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Tag Archives: audiophile

Tips & Tricks: Turn Your Conventional DAC Into a Streaming DAC

So, you have an older DAC with only coaxial and optical inputs (SPDIF) and wish you could stream music to it directly from the internet without an expensive streaming add-on. Or, perhaps you have a USB DAC but don’t always want a computer to do your internet streaming bidding. If these scenarios describe you, then you’re really asking, “how do I get a network connection directly to my non-network DAC?”

2018 Rocky Mountain Audio Fest Show Report

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It was a busy and exciting weekend for Cary Audio in Denver, CO from October 5-7 for the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. We ran two systems at the show.

Introducing the CAD-805RS Vacuum Tube Monoblock Power Amplifier!

Voted one of “The Ten Most Significant Amplifiers of All Time” by The Absolute Sound magazine, the CAD-805 vacuum tube monoblock power amplifier has been in continuous production since 1993. The CAD-805 has experienced several generational updates in its long, storied history. To CARY on the tradition (pun intended), we are introducing the latest generation of the CAD-805, the CAD-805 Reference Series (RS). As many of you know, Single-ended Triode …Read More

Vacuum Tube vs. Solid-State

The whole tube or solid-state dilemma is somewhat of a misnomer. Once you accept the reality that a tube amp and a solid-state amp are very different in how they operate, you’ll perhaps better understand that each have their own traits.

As We See It: Neutral Bad, Color Good

You read it all the time, “this was the most neutral amplifier we’ve ever heard.” We hear this all the time, “I’m looking for a neutral preamplifier, amplifier, whatever.” We call BS on neutral as well as the ability to hear and judge neutral. Nothing in an audio system is neutral. Not your room, not your flooring, not your ceiling, not your walls, not your furniture, not your speakers, not …Read More

Introducing the SA-200.2 ES & SA-500.1 ES Power Amplifiers

The introduction of the SA-200.2 ES and SA-500.1 ES solid-state power amplifiers represent the next generation of the SA design. They embody a modular approach that ensures consistency in performance, and ease of manufacture and serviceability. In implementing the new designs, we have dramatically improved performance and current-handling capacity over the previous models while still maintaining the highest levels of sonic quality.

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