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Dr. Wayne’s Cowboy Room

Dr. Wayne, a Cary Audio customer, shared some incredible photos of his impressive cowboy-themed room, showcasing our fully upgraded SLP-98 preamplifier within his home stereo system. Thank you, Dr. Wayne, for sharing with us!

Werner Ero Reviews the DMS-650, DMS-700, and DMS-800PV on HiFi.nl

Werner Ero from HiFi.nl wrote wonderful product reviews and shared beautiful photos for all three of our network audio players, the DMS-650, DMS-700, and DMS-800PV.   “Three audio network players in just as many different price ranges but remarkably different in terms of content. Actually, I have two favorites myself. The first is the entry-level DMS-650 because of its excellent price/quality ratio, very complete equipment package, and the wonderfully easy-to-listen …Read More

High End Society Munich Show 2023

Cary Audio exhibited at the High End Society Show in Munich, Germany, last weekend. “The HIGH END, the internationally renowned audio exhibition, is the undisputed leader when it comes to impressively setting the tone for top-class music reproduction. It has been providing ideas and impetus for producers, sellers, and consumers of high-quality consumer electronics for four decades. On the four days of the event, the entire world of audio experts and …Read More

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