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Ben M.’s DMS-800PV Customer Review

Ben M., a Cary Audio customer, recently shared an outstanding review of our DMS-800PV Network Audio Player.

Pleasantly surprised.

“I was happy with my present system consisting of the McIntosh MA 8900 amp and B&W 804D3 speakers. I was using the Lumin T2 streamer. I was considering upgrading to the recently released Lumin T3 when I read an article listing the Cary streamer as a top recommendation. After much research, as most audiophiles are obsessed with, I became interested with the Cary DMS 800. It was on sale so I decided to try it. Cary gave me a generous trade in price for the Lumin so I got the best deal I could find. 

As I hooked up the Cary I was thinking that I wasted my money on an unnecessary purchase. My old system was just fine. However once I played music using Tidal as the source I was overwhelmed with the improvement in all aspects of the sound. compared to the Lumin T2. I prefer a sound rich sound over detailed and crisp sound that could be harsh, so this unit excited my expectations. The music was so much more engaging as I felt it, and it seemed to bring out the best in my speakers. 

My only dislike was having to use the separate Tidal app. When I emailed the company, I got a direct response from the President addressing my concerns. He said that Tidal is now requiring users to use their app. So I do not need to use the Cary app. I can just connect through Tidal that takes an additional step that is clearly explained in the instructions. 

So I expect this unit to satisfy me for many years until I consider my next upgrade obsession which most likely will be a new Cary amp.”

If you are located in the United States and Canada, you can purchase directly from our factory on CaryDirect.

If you are located outside the United States and Canada, please get in touch with your local Dealer/Distributor to purchase.


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